Ranting & raving – pros and cons of getting married – Level 1 & Level 2

Class objectives

  1. Ranting and raving for one minute without stopping.
  2. Ranting about marriage for 3 minutes
  3. Marriage vocabulary & idioms knowledge check
  4. Cost Benefit Analysis of marriage issues
  5. Reading & ordering a Pros & Cons essay
  6. Using linking words to connect contrasting ideas in essays: despite & whereas
  7. Writing a Pros & Cons essay (homework)

Marriage statistics & differences around the world

World Marriage Data 

Do married women live longer than single women?
Indeed, statistically speaking, men get a much better deal out of marriage than their wives—married men tend to live many years longer than single men, whereas married women live only a little bit longer than single women.
Do men live longer if they are married?
Men who have marital partners also live longer than men without spouses; men who marry after age 25 get more protection than those who tie the knot at a younger age, and the longer a man stays married, the greater his survival advantage over his unmarried peers.

Marriage discussion questions

Do a cost benefits analysis of:

  1. Age difference
  2. Getting married multiple times
  3. Age of marriage
  4. Arranged marriage
  5. Blind date
  6. Love at first sight
  7. having 4 wives or husbands (polygamy)/monogamy (single partner)
  8. Marriage vows
  9. Welfare & financial benefits of marriage
  10. Being common-law partners

Dating & Marriage vocabulary

Using contrasting linking words quizzes & explanations:


We use the conjunction whereas to indicate a contrast between two facts or ideas:

He loves foreign holidays, whereas his wife prefers to stay at home.

Whereas most new PCs have several USB slots, older ones often only had one.


Whereas means the same as while in sentences expressing contrasts. It does not mean the same as while when while refers to time:

The south has a hot, dry climate, whereas/while the north has a milder, wetter climate.

The secretary took care of my appointments while I was away from the office.

Not: … whereas I was away from the office.

In spite of and despite

In spite of and despite are prepositional expressions.

In spite of and despite have a similar meaning to although or even though. They express a contrast between two things. They are both more common in writing than in speaking. Despite is a little more formal than in spite of.

We usually use in spite of and despite with a noun:

He got the job in spite of his prison record.

[recession is a time when the economy of a country is not good]

John’s company is doing extremely well despite the recession.

We can also use in spite of and despite with –ing:

He was very fast in spite of being terribly overweight.

They arrived late despite leaving in plenty of time.


We don’t use a that-clause after in spite of or despite. We use in spite of the fact that or despite the fact that:

When they arrived at Malaga it was hot, in spite of the fact that it was only the end of April.

Not: … in spite of that it was only the end of April

In spite of is written as three separate words. We never use of with despite:

They enjoyed the rides in spite of the long queues. (or … despite the long queues.)

Not: … inspite the long queues or … despite of the long queues.


Today’s words:

rant verb [ I ]

He’s always ranting (on) about the government.
I get fed up with my mother ranting and raving (about my clothes) all the time.
tying the knot – idiom
Image result for marriage ball and chain idiom
Ball and chain – old fashioned & sexist idiom:
Image result for marriage ball and chain idiom
cost benefit analysis – used especially in business
Image result for cost benefit analysis

pro noun [ C ] (ADVANTAGE)

B2 an advantage to or a reason for doing something:

One of the big pros of living in Madrid is the nightlife.


[ C usually plural ] informala disadvantage or areason for not doing something:

One of the cons of buying a bigger car is that it costs more to run.
You have to weigh up all the pros and cons of the matter before you make a decision.

Entry 3 Group 3 writing

Today we are going to concentrate on writing:

  1. Writing practice

  2. Grammar practice

  3. No Canvas today.

Task 1: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=7tj0lr058kq7RgLW0SVltQTViMt5WNxHqWrELED2O2JUN1NLUTdEQ0tJUE42RDhaNkNPN0NJOUpFQy4u

Task 2: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=7tj0lr058kq7RgLW0SVltQTViMt5WNxHqWrELED2O2JUNDNGWjQySE1XNEtUVUc3VkI0TUxDUkVGRy4u

Task 3: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=7tj0lr058kq7RgLW0SVltQTViMt5WNxHqWrELED2O2JUQjZYR1JJUFA0Q0s2NUxTNkxDNkc2TVY1Uy4u

Task 4: https://elt.oup.com/student/englishfile/intermediate/i_games/?cc=gb&selLanguage=en

Task 5: https://elt.oup.com/student/englishfile/intermediate/a_grammar/?cc=gb&selLanguage=en